Minggu, 24 Januari 2016

Check your College guysss ....

Waduh!! Ternyata Jika Punya Ijasah dari 243 Kampus Ini Anda Tidak Bisa Ikut Test PNS 2016

9Trendingtopic - Dinas Pendidikan nampaknya semakin ketat dalam menertibkan Sekolah ataupun Perguruan tinggi dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas lulusan, rangkaian hukuman yang diberikan pemerintah untuk perguruan tinggi non aktif terus bermunculan.

Selain sangksi larangan aktifitas belajar mengajar, Kini tambah lagi larangan pendaftaran ikut seleksi Calon Pegawai Neger Sipil (CPNS).
Dirjen Kelembagaan Ilmu Pengetahuan Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Kementrian Riset Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Kemenristek Dikti), Patdono Suwignjo menegaskan 243 kampus yang masuk daftar bermasalah (nonaktif) oleh Dikti tidak diterima ikut CPNS.

“Kalau digunakan untuk melamar CPNS tidak akan bisa karena BKN (Badan Kepegawaian Negara) tidak akan mengakuinya,” terang Patdono Rabu (07/10)
Menurutnya, sejak status kampus dicabut Kemenristek Dikti, ijazah yang dikeluarkan perguruan tinggi tersebut tidak sah.

Oleh karena itu, pelamar yang menggunakan ijazah dari 243 perguran tinggi bermasalah tidak akan mendapat pelayanan.

“Jadi bukan ijazahnya yang dicabut melainkan tidak akan diproses dan dilayani Kementristek Dikti. Sehingga, secara langsung akan merugikan pengelola dan mahasiswanya,” ujarnya seperti dilansir oleh harian metrosiantar.com

Dikatakan, selain kampus swasta, Kemenristek Dikti sudah menyiapkan pula sankgsi bagi Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) yang bermasalah.
“Bagi PTN yang bermasalah maka sanksi yang diberikan lebih berat dari PTS,” tegasnya.

Berikut ini daftar 243 Kampus yang dinonaktifkan:
  1. STIT Tangerang Raya Yayasan Purgantorio Prop. Banten
  2. STAI INSIDA Jakarta Timur Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  3. STIT YAPIMA Muara Bungo Prop. Jambi
  4. STIT YAPIS Manokwari Prop. Papua Barat
  5. STAI Syarif Muhammad Raha, Muna, Sulawesi Tenggara Prop. Sulawesi Tenggara
  6. STAI Al-Amanah Jeneponto, Sulawesi Selatan Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  7. STAI Ar-Rosyid Surabaya Prop. Jawa Timur
  8. STAI Al-Qodiri Jember Prop. Jawa Timur
  9. STAI Azzakiyah Ujungberung Bandung Prop. Jawa Barat
  10. STIT Al-Hikmah Tebing Tinggi Sumatera Utara Prop. Sumatera Utara
  11. STAI Al-Ikhlas Sidikalang, Dairi, Sumatera Utara Prop. Sumatera Utara
  12. STAI Sultan Abdul Kahir Bima Prop. Nusa Tenggara Barat
  13. STAI Raden Qosim Lamongan Prop. Jawa Timur
  14. STAI Acprilesma Indonesia Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  15. STEI Tiara Rawamangun Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  16. Akademi kebidanan Meuligoe Nur Amin    Prop. Aceh
  17. Akademi Kebidanan Medica Bakti Nusantara
  18. Akademi Keuangan Perbankan Nasional
  19. Akademi Pertanian Iskandar Muda
  20. Akademi Teknik Iskandar Muda
  21. STIKES Bustanul Ulum Langsa Prop. Aceh
  22. Universitas Darussalam Ambon Prop. Maluku
  23. Akademi Teknologi Borneo Prop. Kalimantan Timur
  24. Akademi Kebidanan Martapura Prop. Kalimantan Selatan
  25. Akademi Bisnis Internasional Samarinda Prop. Kalimantan Timur
  26. Akademi Pariwisata Nasional Samarinda Prop. Kalimantan Timur
  27. ASMI KMPI Samarinda Prop. Kalimantan Timur
  28. Akademi Manajemen Koperasi Barabai Prop. Kalimantan Selatan
  29. STIE Prima Visi Prop. Kalimantan Timur
  30. Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Dinamik Prop. Kalimantan Selatan
  31. Politeknik Tri Dharma Prop. Sumatera Barat
  32. Akademi Akuntansi Permata Harapan Batam
  33. Akademi Bahasa Asing Permata Harapan
  34. Akademi Manajemen Informatika Dan Komputer Gici
  35. Akademi Bahasa Asing Jambi Prop. Jambi
  36. Akademi Bahasa Asing Tanjung Pinang
  37. Akademi Keselamatan Dan Kesehatan Kerja Pekanbaru Prop. Riau
  38. Akademi Telekomunikasi Indonesia Jambi
  39. Akademi Bahasa Asing Alaska Padang Prop. Sumatera Barat
  40. Akademi Teknik Taman Siswa Prop. Sumatera Barat
  41. Akademi Teknologi Pratama Prop. Sumatera Barat
  42. Akademi Sekretari Dan Manajemen Jambi
  43. Akademi Manajemen Koperasi Graha Karya Prop. Jambi
  44. Akademi Sekretari Dan Manajemen Indonesia Padang
  45. Akademi Koperasi Sumbar
  46. STIE Prakarti Mulya Prop. Riau
  47. STIE Widyaswara Indonesia
  48. STKIP Widyaswara Indonesia
  49. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Karimun Prop. Kepulauan Riau
  50. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Bentara Persada Batam
  51. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Jambi Prop. Jambi
  52. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Sumbar Prop. Sumatera Barat
  53. Politeknik Internasional Indonesia Makassar Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  54. Akademi Kebidanan Gunung Sari Makassar
  55. Akademi Kebidanan Graha Rabita Anugerah Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  56. Akademi Kebidanan Bambapuang Prima Persada
  57. Akademi Keperawatan Pemda Sengkang Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  58. Akademi Parawisata Kendari
  59. Akademi Teknik Otomotive Makassar Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  60. Akademi Pertambangan Makassar
  61. Akademi Analis Kimia Yapika Makassar
  62. Akademi Bahasa Asing Barakati Kendari Prop. Sulawesi Tenggara
  63. ASMI Yapika Makassar
  64. Akademi Pariwisata Dian Rana Rantepao
  65. Akademi Pariwisata YPAG Makassar
  66. Akademi Manajemen Perusahaan Makassar
  67. STIKES Muhammadiyah Sidrap Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  68. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bina Bangsa Majene Prop. Sulawesi Barat
  69. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Yapika Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  70. STMIK Samudra Bitung
  71. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pariwisata Tamalatea Makassar Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  72. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Mekongga Kolaka
  73. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Dirgantara Makassar
  74. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Panca Bhakti Palu, Sulawesi Tengah
  75. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Swadaya Manado Prop. Sulawesi Utara
  76. STMIK Matuari Prop. Sulawesi Utara
  77. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Budi Utomo Manado Prop. Sulawesi Utara
  78. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Al Gazali Soppeng Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  79. Institut Kesenian Makassar Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  80. Universitas Indonesia Timur Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  81. Universitas Sari Putra Indonesia Tomohon Prop. Sulawesi Utara
  82. Universitas Alkhairaat Prop. Sulawesi Tengah
  83. Universitas Veteran Republik Indonesia Prop. Sulawesi Selatan
  84. Akademi Manajemen Surya Mataram
  85. Akademi Teknik Bima Prop. Nusa Tenggara Barat
  86. STIKES Yahya Bima Prop. Nusa Tenggara Barat
  87. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Bima Prop. Nusa Tenggara Barat
  88. STKIP Indonesia Kupang
  89. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Dan Kejuruan Gianyar
  90. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Jembrana Prop. Bali
  91. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Teknologi Kelautan
  92. Universitas PGRI Kupang Prop. Nusa Tenggara Timur
  93. AMIK Aji Jaya Baya Prop. Jawa Timur
  94. Akademi Pariwisata Bhakti Wiyata Prop. Jawa Timur
  95. Akademi Peternakan PGRI Jember Prop. Jawa Timur
  96. Akademi Bahasa Asing Webb Prop. Jawa Timur
  97. Akademi Teknik Nasional Sidoarjo Prop. Jawa Timur
  98. Akademi Teknologi Industri Tekstil Surabaya Prop. Jawa Timur
  99. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pemuda Prop. Jawa Timur
  100. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pemnas Indonesia Prop. Jawa Timur
  101. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Widya Darma Prop. Jawa Timur
  102. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Budi Utomo Prop. Jawa Timur
  103. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Sunan Giri Prop. Jawa Timur
  104. STKIP Tri Bhuwana Prop. Jawa Timur
  105. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pariwisata Satya Widya
  106. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Artha Bodhi Iswara
  107. Institut Sains Dan Teknologi Palapa
  108. IKIP PGRI Jember Prop. Jawa Timur
  109. IKIP Budi Utomo Prop. Jawa Timur
  110. Institut Teknologi Pembangunan Surabaya
  111. Universitas Kahuripan Kediri Prop. Jawa Timur
  112. Universitas Cakrawala Prop. Jawa Timur
  113. Universitas PGRI Ronggolawe Prop. Jawa Timur
  114. Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri Prop. Jawa Timur
  115. Universitas Teknologi Surabaya Prop. Jawa Timur
  116. Universitas Bondowoso Prop. Jawa Timur
  117. Universitas Mochammad Sroedji Prop. Jawa Timur
  118. Universitas Darul ulum Prop. Jawa Timur
  119. Politeknik Surakarta Prop. Jawa Tengah
  120. Politeknik Jawa Dwipa
  121. AMIK PGRI Kebumen Prop. Jawa Tengah
  122. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Muhammadiyah Cilacap Prop. Jawa Tengah
  123. Akademi Seni Rupa Dan Desain Akseri Prop. D.I. Yogyakarta
  124. Akademi Teknologi Otomotif Nasional Prop. D.I. Yogyakarta
  125. Akademi Sekretari Dan Manajemen Indonesia Bantul Prop. D.I. Yogyakarta
  126. Akademi Keuangan Dan Perbankan YIPK Prop. D.I. Yogyakarta
  127. Akademi Bahasa Asing YIPK Yogyakarta Prop. D.I. Yogyakarta
  128. Akademi Kesejahteraan Sosial Tarakanita Prop. D.I. Yogyakarta
  129. STMIK Pelita Nusantara Yogyakarta Prop. D.I. Yogyakarta
  130. Politeknik LP3I Bandung    Prop. Jawa Barat
  131. Politeknik Manufaktur Igasa Pindad
  132. Politeknik Industri Dan Niaga Bandung
  133. Akademi Refraksi Optisi Polycore Indonesia
  134. Akademi Kebidanan Al-Ishlah Cilegon Prop. Banten
  135. Akademi Teknologi Telekomunikasi Bandung
  136. AMIK PGRI Tangerang
  137. Akademi Surtasdal-As Bogor Prop. Jawa Barat
  138. Akademi Teknologi Aeronautika Siliwangi
  139. Akademi Akuntansi Era 2020
  140. Akademi Komunikasi Radio Dan Televisi Hutama
  141. Akademi Komunikasi Radio Dan Televisi Hutama
  142. Akademi Teknologi Bandung
  143. Akademi Sekretari Dan Manajemen Al-Ma soem Prop. Jawa Barat
  144. Akademi Teknologi Patriot
  145. Akademi Kesenian Bogor Prop. Jawa Barat
  146. Akademi Pariwisata Tadika Puri Prop. Jawa Barat
  147. Akademi Bahasa Asing YPKK Tangerang Prop. Banten
  148. Akademi Sekretari Dan Manajemen Bhakti
  149. Akademi Manajemen Informatika Dan Komputer Yasika Prop. Jawa Barat
  150. STIE ISM Prop. Banten
  151. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Hidayatullah Depok Prop. Jawa Barat
  152. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Muhammadiyah Karawang
  153. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Gici Prop. Jawa Barat
  154. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pratama Adi Prop. Jawa Barat
  155. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Geusan Ulun Prop. Jawa Barat
  156. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bakti Indonesia
  157. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Dharma Andhiga Prop. Jawa Barat
  158. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Bekasi Prop. Jawa Barat
  159. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Mitra Karya Prop. Jawa Barat
  160. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Telematika Cakrawala Prop. Jawa Barat
  161. STMIK Triguna Utama Prop. Banten
  162. STMIK Padjadjaran
  163. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Cikarang163. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Bandung
  164. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Manajemen Budi Bakti Prop. Jawa Barat
  165. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Ar-rahmah Cianjur
  166. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Bina Putra Banjar Prop. Jawa Barat
  167. STISIP Bina Putera Banjar Prop. Jawa Barat
  168. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Teknik Bina Putra Prop. Jawa Barat
  169. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Tribuana Tambun Prop. Jawa Barat
  170. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Cirebon Prop. Jawa Barat
  171. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dharma Agung Bandung Prop. Jawa Barat
  172. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Adhy Niaga Prop. Jawa Barat
  173. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Pandu Madania Prop. Jawa Barat
  174. STMIK Mikar Prop. Jawa Barat
  175. Universitas Purwakarta Prop. Jawa Barat
  176. Universitas Majalengka Prop. Jawa Barat
  177. Akademik Kebidanan Sulih Bangsa, Prop.D.K.I. Jakarta
  178. Politeknik Bunda Kandung Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  179. Akademi Perekam Medis Dan Informasi Kesehatan
  180. Akademi Sekretari Dan Manajemen Pitaloka
  181. Akademi Manajemen Informatika Dan Komputer Yapri
  182. AMIK Mpu Tantular
  183. Akademi Akuntansi Bentara Indonesia Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  184. AMIK Andalan Jakarta
  185. Akademi Sekretaris ISWI Jakarta
  186. Akademi Pertamanan Interstudi
  187. Akademi Sekretari Dan Manajemen Purnama
  188. Akademi Keuangan Dan Perbankan LPI
  189. Akademi Keuangan Dan Perbankan YPK Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  190. Akademi Akuntansi Artawiyata Indo-lpi Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  191. STMIK Eresha Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  192. Sekolah Tinggi Desain Interstudi Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  193. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Santa Ursula Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  194. STIBA Indonesia LPI Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  195. STKIP Suluh Bangsa Prop. Banten
  196. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Dwipa Wacana Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  197. STKIP Albana Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  198. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Ganesha Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  199. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Imni Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  200. STISIP Pusaka Nusantara
  201. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Kelautan Hatawana Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  202. Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Industri Indonesia
  203. Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Indonesia
  204. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Nasional Indonesia
  205. Sekolah Tinggi Keuangan Niaga & Negara Pembangunan Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  206. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Administrasi Yapann Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  207. STKIP Purnama Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  208. Universitas Kejuangan 45 Jakarta Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  209. Universitas Islam Attahiriyah Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  210. Universitas Ibnu Chaldun Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta
  211. Akademi Kebidanan Sapta Karya Prop. Sumatera Selatan
  212. Akademi Keperawatan Sapta Karya Prop. Sumatera Selatan
  213. Akademi Perikanan Wachyuni Mandira Prop. Sumatera Selatan
  214. Akademi Analis Kesehatan Widya Dharma Prop. Sumatera Selatan
  215. Akademi Akuntansi Unggulan SMB Palembang Prop. Sumatera Selatan
  216. STKIP Sera Prop. Sumatera Selatan
  217. Politeknik Wilmar Busnis Indonesia Prop. Sumatera Utara
  218. Politeknik Yanada Prop. Sumatera Utara
  219. Politeknik Trijaya Krama Prop. Sumatera Utara
  220. Politeknik Tugu 45 Medan Prop. Sumatera Utara
  221. Politeknik Profesional Mandiri Prop. Sumatera Utara
  222. Akademi Kebidanan Eunice Rajawali Binjai Prop. Sumatera Utara
  223. Akademi Kebidanan Dewi Maya Prop. Sumatera Utara
  224. Akademi Kesehatan Lingkungan Binalita Sudama Prop. Sumatera Utara
  225. Akademi Kebidanan Jaya Wijaya Prop. Sumatera Utara
  226. AMIK Intelcom Global Indo Kisaran Prop. Sumatera Utara
  227. Akademi Manajemen Informatika Dan Komputer Medan Prop. Sumatera Utara
  228. AMIK Stiekom Sumatera Utara Prop. Sumatera Utara
  229. Akademi Sekretari Manajemen Lancang Kuning Prop. Sumatera Utara
  230. Akademi Teknologi Lorena Prop. Sumatera Utara
  231. Akademi Manajemen Gunung Leuser Prop. Sumatera Utara
  232. Akademi Pertanian Gunung Sitoli Prop. Sumatera Utara
  233. Akademi Keuangan Perbankan Swadaya Medan Prop. Sumatera Utara
  234. Sekolah Tinggi Kelautan Dan Perikanan Indonesia Prop. Sumatera Utara
  235. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Riama Prop. Sumatera Utara
  236. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Graha Kirana Prop. Sumatera Utara
  237. Sekolah Tinggi Teknik Pelita Bangsa Prop. Sumatera Utara
  238. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Hukum Benteng Huraba Prop. Sumatera Utara
  239. Sekolah Tinggi Bahasa Asing Swadaya Medan Prop. Sumatera Utara
  240. Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Swadaya Medan Prop. Sumatera Utara
  241. STKIP Riama Prop. Sumatera Utara
  242. Universitas Setia Budi Mandiri Prop. Sumatera Utara
  243. Universitas Preston Indonesia Prop. Sumatera Utara

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Fenomena Diskon bagi Wanita Trik dan solusinya


By :
Name            : Erma Yunita
Class              : S1.5.Ext
NPM              : 13111147

2015 / 2016

Erma Yunita

Woman and Discount are two different things that cannot be separated each other. Sometimes discount makes woman forget about everything, they buy anything because of this marketing strategy. Discount give people get their happiness and sometimes people also get a disappointed. There will be the  motive, the trick and the solution also.
For this marketing strategy. There are four tricks and solutions in this paper, such as discount plus plus, price ended by the number of nine, buy one get free one, shopping voucher, and many more. For the solutions, customer have to realize about the tricks, such as smart to counting the discount, update for something new, find out the original price, etc. And for the motive usually company sell their old product to spend their product stock in the pantry.

Keywords : Discount, Discount’s Trick, Marketing Strategy


“The happiness of woman is directly perpendicular to the magnitude of Discount”.
-          Raditya Dika –

Do you ever heard about statement above? That is one of statement that coming from the famous writer and comedian in Indonesia, which is Raditya Dika. That statement is about Discount that absolutely true, because in reality women and discount are two different things that cannot be separated each other. The main target of this phenomenon is woman, why woman? because woman is the one who have a lot of needs for their life and also they have motivation to always looks beautiful, fashionable and also always update for something new. The writer believe if people already familiar about Discount itself especially in a few moments.
According to Vemale.com, this is one of phenomenon that often occurs in certain moments such as Idul Fitri, Independent day, Christmas, New year, etc. In those moments, the seller usually give a big discount for the buyer. Sometimes, discount makes the shopper crazy. Crazy here means not for people who lost the way of thinking, but it’s mean they will be addicted person that always buy something that has discount in continually. And sometimes, for some people, discount already become their needed. From some sources the writer get the information that the price of product has been raised up previously, people actually already known about this big issue, but people still get trapped by the discount itself. The writer think this is the reality that commonly happend in our environment. 
Therefore, the writer will explain about some discount’s tricks. In this paper, there will be four problem (Tricks Discount) and five solutions about discount itself. The purpose is to know about the truly trapper factor that coming from discount which in reality is only for Marketing Strategy for a business.


According to kalyan-city.blogspot.co.id, In simple terms, Discount is an allowance or concession in price. Discount is given so that the buyer is induced (lured) to place an order and later to make payment in time. Discount can be also referred to as a deduction in price. The seller deducts the discount from the gross or total price, and the buyer is supposed to pay the net amount. discount is also offered to encourage the buyer for quick payment or settlement. It is allowed for immediate payment of cash or payment within a short period such as special moment like Idul Fitri, Christmas, New Year, etc.
In those moments, company will take an opportunity to reach big advantages in one time. There are a lot of tricks that company usually given for their customer. The trick usually often trapping people to buy a product without thingking in a long time. For this case, there must be the reason why a businessman giving a discount for their customers. According to Spirittoc.com the motives of discount is;
To sell the old stuff and Sales Promotion of New Product
For this case, it’s mean the things out of dates. For every company wants to sell the stock of their product as soon as possible.  Especially, when they already know if there is a new product that has been launching. The launching of new product itself will makes their product become out of dates, not update anymore especially for fashion or electronic product. for food, it will makes them expired when they kept in a long time. That’s why, they take a decision to give a discount for their product and also they wants to deplete their product’s stock in pantry.
This problem is commonly happen in a business, in writer opinion, this motive is good because for a businessman don’t want to get loss for their company. They also don’t want to keep the old product that wil not give them a benefit. Because of that, they take a decision to give a discount for the old stuff or product the purpose is so they do not have experience to get greater losses. But, for this case, not all businessman give discount only for the old product, but sometimes company give a discount for new product also, because they want to give promotion for new product or new brand. The purpose is to tell people if their company has been launched a new brand and people will familiar about the product itself and that new product will become a product that already get a reliance for their customer.
Therefore, to avoid the trap of this motive, the buyer have to; 

A.    Update in New Trends
A store of the famous brand usually give a discount around 70%, of course the displayed SALE will attract people attention, but when customer do the deep investigation of the product, it turned out the product that has been discounted is the output of goods last year or in another word is the product Out Of Date. This is often occurs in around us, that is why, customer must be carefully and customer have to know about something new in our environment, so customer will not but the product who out of date anymore.

B.     Be Careful with Reject Product
The product of the last season or Out of Date is better than reject product. Reject product is the product that have defect but it still sell. Many people who still buy a product that has little defect but still comfortable to used provided that coming from a famous brand. However, so that, for customer who don’t want to get disappointed in the end, better, customer ask the seller whether the product that discounted have a defect of not.
And next for the tricks of Discount. According to Kompasiana.com there are a lot of terminologies that used by the seller to held a discount program. usually called as BIG SALE. Especially in certain moment like Idul fitri, christmas, new year, etc. Customer often trapped by the great word which is Discount. 50%, 30% + 20%, 70%, etc. Is that a deception? The answer is NO. The customer is only lack of carefulness for themselves. In this topic there will be 4 points that writer will discuss in this paper. 

1.      Price Ended by the number of “9” (Charm Price)
This strategy also known as Charm Price, the purpose of this strategy is that customer think that the price is lower. This way can work well because people read the price tag from left to right. And the first number will determine people perception whether the price cheap or not. For example; the price of shirt A is 49 thousand nine hundred rupiah (49.900), meanwhile Shirt B is 50 thousand rupiah (50.000). In fact the price is almost the same, only minus 100 (one hundred) rupiah. But people will think if shirt A is cheaper than shirt B. Because they will think if the price of shirt A is forty thousand rupiah (40.000) not fifty thousand rupiah (50.000). This trick is good since people usually get trap by this strategy anyway.
The solution is people usually like to buy something that has cheap price, but for this case, the customer have to check about the quality of the product, whether the product good quality or not. When a product is cheaper, but the quality is not good, better you have to buy the expensive one to avoid something that will makes customer disappointed in the end. Don’t ever think if the cheap price will makes customer satisfied. Customer have to consider about manything that will come in the next time.

2.      Discount Plus Plus (...% + ...%)
This strategy also work well to trapped customer. According to Voa-Islam.com say that if this strategy really success to influence customer attention. Before the seller gave a discount, they rise up the price first, after that they create the discount,  like 50% + 20%.
For example;
The price of a shoes before discount is Rp.100.000, then, they rise up the price become Rp.300.000. After that they give discount 50% + 20%, people will think that the product get discount 70%. If the price Rp.300.000 get 70% discount equal Rp.90.000.
In fact is not like that. So, the calculation is like this.
50% discount from Rp.300.000 = Rp.150.000, then,
20% from Rp. 150.000 = Rp. 30.000. 
So, total of the price is Rp.120.000
From this strategy, the company still get the benefit actually. And the customer get a loss. But they still think if they get big discount from the seller.
The solution are ;

A)    Find Out The Original Price.
This way actually hard to identify about the original price of product, because only the seller that really know about the original price. But, customer can do this thing in the way like this, customer have to try to open the official website of the brand of the product. Then, customer will know about the original price of the product.

B)    Deft to Calculate of Discount.
This way can help a customer to know about the truly price of product, so, they will not get a trap by the discount. That writer already give an example above about Discount Plus Plus. Customer must be realize that 50% + 20% discount is different with 70% discount. So, customer must be carefully about this phenomenon.

3.      Buy One Get Free One
Writer believe that people already know about this strategy, from this strategy the customer will think as if they get the benefit, because they get one product in free. But the problem is the price of the product more expensive. Because the price has been rise up previously by the seller.

For this case, the solution is customer also must be familiar about the product that will be buy by them. Customer have to know about the price also, whether the price same or not in normal day. Because if price of product that has this promo more expensive than usual price or not, like the price rise up until two or three times or not. If the price more expensive two or three times than usual price, it’s mean customer already get trapped by this promo because customer will buy two products directly in one time without aware with the truly price and they still think if they already get promo buy one get free one.

4.      Shopping Voucher
When we determine more deeply for this strategy, shopping voucher has a time limit. Nah, this is where the trick is running well to trapped the customer. Because the voucher has time limit, so, customer will feel compelled or hastily to used the voucher to make them get the advantages. This is a great strategy anyway, because of voucher time limit, buyer will become a loyal customer.
The solution is customer have to clever to used their money, don’t because of voucher will makes you spend your money for something that not important. Used the voucher only if you are really needed to buy a product.
Those are the tricks of businessman to trap the customer. Then, for those strategy there are a lot of solution to avoid the tricks according to Cekaja.com.


Every people know about the great word, which is Discount. Discount is an allowance or concession in price. Company usually give a discount in certain moments such as Idul Fitri, Christmas, New Year, etc. Because they think if they will get big advantages in one opportunity. The main target of this strategy is woman, because woman is the one who really like about this thing. woman also has a lot of needs because they want to always looks beautiful and fashionable. It will makes the company get the benefit because of woman’s demand especially for fashion.
Because of that demand, company makes some tricks as a marketing strategy to attract woman attention and reach big profit. The tricks are really good, because it makes people interest to buy their product. Such as, price ended by the number of 9, discount plus plus, shopping voucher, buy one get free one, and many more. So, those tricks can be avoid for customer if customer smart to manage their money and they have to be carefuly to evade disappointed in the end of shopping.
In additional thing, customer must remember about economic principle stated that “Gain as many as possible, and Spend as little as possible”. This statement clearly tell us that for every businessman don’t want to get loss in their business. So, they do everything to catch the profit as much as possible.


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